Thursday, February 20, 2014

 "We know what we are but not what we may be."Ophelia in Hamlet

sensing the world around us.

everyone perceives things differently. you may think this or something is really interesting and cool and someone else may not. my friends are one example I hang out with a variety set of people because I may have one group of friends I can relate to just a little and the same with others. that's why I hang out with majority of everyone because there is a part of me in every different groups of people some of my friends like rap, hip-hop, R&B, old school, pop, rock, country etc... and I like all kinds of music really and they as in some of them think some type of music I listen to is weird. at a restaurant some things on a menu looks really good others look really nasty and I would say why on earth would somebody want to eat that. its weird looking. "literally"! every body in the world is different that's what makes the world more unique. 

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