Thursday, September 11, 2014

derailed train

Marilyn Pierre
English 2

Derailed train

It is Friday morning and I just came off of the F-Train. ABC news is in my face asking me questions on what just happened. It was a startling moment for me, sitting there and all of a sudden the train started to shake. As I look over at the other passengers I can see the fear in their eyes. Goosebumps start to rise on my skin because of the cold air; the people that were standing are now falling on the ground and onto those who are sitting. The train zooming really fast off the tracks and into the queens tunnel. I can smell nothing but smoke and see nothing but dust, some people were yelling for help and others could not move. I can see the pain the other passengers were in, tears start to water in the women eyes next to me. I am just happy that I am safe and no one died.

dark room

Marilyn Pierre

English 2


Dark room

I am waking up in a dark room I tried to squint my eyes a bit but I can’t see any thing, its pitch black. As I inhale the light air freshener scent of warm vanilla which I said to myself it smells familiar. I can hear music next to me playing and feel its cold, rectangular shape it must be an IPod. The sound of the air conditioner coming through the air vent, the tiny hairs on my skin start to rise. I slowly rise, putting both my hands in front of me waving it around. Then suddenly I tripped over something soft and fluffy I picked it up feeling it has two eyes, a nose, and is hairy,” it’s a teddy bear”. I started to walk around a bit more with the stuffed animal in my hand and can feel next to me there is a bed. Quickly I noticed that I am in my own bedroom.

complaint drafting prep of legal doc

Kim Lohman
456 Forest Hills
Queens NY 11550
(718) xxx-xxxx
Kim Lohman
Wilber Hall Law school, Mr. John doe and Mrs. Jane doe, Secretary
CASE NO: 105-831
Plaintiff complains and for causes of action alleges as follows:
1. Plaintiff, Kim Lohman, is an individual and is
now, and at all times mentioned in this complaint is, a
resident of Brooklyn County, NewYork.
2. Defendant Wilbert Hall Law School is now, and at all times
mentioned in this complaint is, a Law school organized and
existing under the laws of the State of New York, with its
place of business in Nassau County,NewYork.
3. Plaintiff does not know the true names of defendants
and therefore sues them by those fictitious names. And alleges, that each of
those defendants was in some manner negligently and proximately
responsible for the events and happenings alleged in this
complaint and for plaintiff's injuries and damages.
4. Tuesday, Lohman accompanied Tony Raiford to the second floor of Wilbert Hall Law School Annex.
5. Raiford had appointment with drafting instructor; Appointment was at 4:30.
6. At 5:00 Secretary left. Lohman, Raiford, and instructor were the only one on premises.
7. Lohman heard a crash on S.W. second ave.
8. A door was open to an office at the front of building.
9.  Lohman went behind the desk to see what happened.
10. Lohman tripped on a cord, bumped into a desk as she fell.
11. Scissors that was on the edge of the desk fell onto the floor and Lohman landed on one of the blades. And discovered she could not move her right arm.
13.  Lohman went to the hospital, her arm was broken, and there was a deep gash in her hand that required seven stitches.
 Plaintiff, demands judgment against defendants,
and each of them, for the following:
14. Medical bills amounting $665.47.
15. Loss to perform tasks required as medical student.
16. Costs of this action; and
17. Any other and further relief that the court considers
 DATED: _______________
I, ___, am a ___in the above-entitled action. I have read the foregoing ___and know the contents thereof. The same is true of my own knowledge, except as to those matters which are therein alleged on information and belief, and as to those matters, I believe it to be true.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration was executed at Kings County, Brooklyn.
DATED: _________________ ___________________________________
Respectfully submitted,
                                                                                    Marilyn & Bridgett, LLC
                                                                                              Marilyn & Bridgett
                                                                                      Kings Inner Harbor Center
                                                                                  400 East Pratt Street, 8th Floor
                                                                                     Brooklyn, New York 21201

Buisness letter

Marilyn Pierre


Hempstead, NY 11550





Carolyn McCarthy

U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 224-3121
TTY: (202)-225-1904




Dear, Carolyn McCarthy

 I am writing you today for my concern of Welfare Reform according  to it states that A main goal of these reforms is to reduce the number of individuals or families dependent on government assistance and to assist the recipients in their efforts to become self-sufficient. But how can they be self sufficient if you are helping those who is typically not in need. I feel that you are basically praising the people who are not working, if you are not working you get more benefits, more help and those who are trying and are making a little money they get little help. This is not fair they are trying to make it in the world. Some of those who are not working for example get housing, free education, and more assistance. so your basically saying they must be broke and have 4 children or more to get help. If you notice on the top it states to become self sufficient how would they try to help themselves if they have someone else helping them and feeling sorry for them the real question is if you had government help for not working and you get all the benefits like free housing, food, education and more would you get up and get a job so you can get less or no help at all?.

Thank you for taking your time to read this letter




Marilyn Pierre