Thursday, September 11, 2014

derailed train

Marilyn Pierre
English 2

Derailed train

It is Friday morning and I just came off of the F-Train. ABC news is in my face asking me questions on what just happened. It was a startling moment for me, sitting there and all of a sudden the train started to shake. As I look over at the other passengers I can see the fear in their eyes. Goosebumps start to rise on my skin because of the cold air; the people that were standing are now falling on the ground and onto those who are sitting. The train zooming really fast off the tracks and into the queens tunnel. I can smell nothing but smoke and see nothing but dust, some people were yelling for help and others could not move. I can see the pain the other passengers were in, tears start to water in the women eyes next to me. I am just happy that I am safe and no one died.

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