Thursday, September 11, 2014

Buisness letter

Marilyn Pierre


Hempstead, NY 11550





Carolyn McCarthy

U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 224-3121
TTY: (202)-225-1904




Dear, Carolyn McCarthy

 I am writing you today for my concern of Welfare Reform according  to it states that A main goal of these reforms is to reduce the number of individuals or families dependent on government assistance and to assist the recipients in their efforts to become self-sufficient. But how can they be self sufficient if you are helping those who is typically not in need. I feel that you are basically praising the people who are not working, if you are not working you get more benefits, more help and those who are trying and are making a little money they get little help. This is not fair they are trying to make it in the world. Some of those who are not working for example get housing, free education, and more assistance. so your basically saying they must be broke and have 4 children or more to get help. If you notice on the top it states to become self sufficient how would they try to help themselves if they have someone else helping them and feeling sorry for them the real question is if you had government help for not working and you get all the benefits like free housing, food, education and more would you get up and get a job so you can get less or no help at all?.

Thank you for taking your time to read this letter




Marilyn Pierre



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