Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Id ego and superego

"Do it you know it's only right come on just do it! Take a journey to the wild side. " no; don't.  It's not right. You know that you are wrong". Constantly, that's what our mind tends to do with us. Play tricks and then it's just you the ego. The one who actually can make the decision. You are the one who decides your fate. Have you ever wanted to do something and you that it was bad and possibly dangerous but you don't care? There is something kind of grasping about doing something bad. Its the same with friends. You have good ones but also the bad. You go out and drink and the bad one is pushing you, urging you to just take one more drink! But then the one good friend, the angel comes in and says "No , you have to go home and your parents are going to be mad if your to drunk. But at the end you know that you hold the key to your destiny.

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