Thursday, March 13, 2014

                                       option #1
physical punishment can convey to the recipient the idea that physical aggression is permissible and perhaps even desirable?

I have to disagree with some physical punishment. like when someone does a crime and they kill some one the jury then finds you guilty and you get life or the death penalty .when you are confined somewhere for 10 years or more how are you or the people to learn from their mistakes. they are just going to get more crazy and violent because they are in prison with criminals. if they had activities to teach them and change them kind of like boot camp or military type things (since they like hurting people) put them in that maybe it would help. I would get really bored and annoyed if I would stay in the house for too long. when you sentence them to death your just as bad cause you are killing them and you the jury or judge is even worst cause the courts have so many ways to killing people. in jail/prison like electric chair, gas, lethal injection, and maybe more not only that to sit there and watch them die. I mean I know the person who committed the wrong doing but isn't it a sin to hate, seek revenge (avarice)

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