Thursday, March 20, 2014


have you ever remembered something so remarkable, and amazing that you just know for a fact you will remember it forever. well that's how I feel about traveling with my family when I was little. we traveled a lot to places and it was exciting cause I get to spend time with my family, learn about new, different things, and collect souvenir's.

  when I was little maybe in middle school me and my family would do road trips and travel places which in fact was fun and brought me joy because I get to spend time with my family. we would play games and talk about the stuff we seen. by looking at them my family being happy it made me happy just all of us coming together smiling and joking.

 we have traveled to Canada, New York, Georgia and Washington D.C and road trip to Orlando to see family. we have learned about things about each place really we would take pictures and go site seeing with the local groups. for example when we went to Canada we went to the mountain, church and everything was nice we took a lot pictures. I talked to some French speaking people I learned about their money value and driving rules. we also went to the park where everyone would come and listen to random people play good music and dance.

  the greatest thing of all was collecting souvenirs everywhere I would go when traveling I would collect those little snow globes and chains and maybe shirts if they have them there so I would come back home and tell all/show them the places I have gone and tell them how much fun I had being in those places.

at the end of it all I feel like this particular moment I would remember forever because I got to learn new things, collect souvenirs but most of all spend quality time with my family and see joyfulness about it all.

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