Friday, March 21, 2014

What makes me

Have you ever wondered what makes people or yourself well what makes me? Well of me of course is my personality, the way I think, and the way I see good in people.
My personality makes me who I am because that's how I am. I am an observer some people may think that I am shy but I'm not just quietly observing the people around me. but I also have another side of me when angered  and bothered the way I get along with everyone really.
The next thing that makes me unique is the way I think and perceive things I'm not a judgmental person I don't judge people for who they are and how they act because its none of my business really if you want to talk to me I will always listen and be there for people if need to be and if I know you that well.
The last thing that makes me is a good is a good I see in everyone. even if they're bad I will always find one good trait about them. I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing at times but hey it's Who I am. But sometimes my personality would change if something happens. for example I'm careless always have been but have a soft spot at times for friends and family. if someone crosses me I will totally put up my guard.

So personality, the way I think and the way I see good in people at times is what makes me, me like my past has nothing to do with my future only the past made me who I am today!!

1 comment:

  1. Yes I have seen the "angry" side of you. Lol I might say it is very hilarious because the face you make looks like you need a exorcism but you know we've been friends for the longest. You do have a good heart (at times) lol.
