Thursday, March 27, 2014

Anti social personality bahavior

                            Anti-Social Behavior
anti-social behavior lacks consideration for others and sometimes damage to society, whether intentionally or through negligence. this is also opposite of pro-social behavior. criminal and civil laws in various countries attempt to offer remedies for anti-social behavior.
  many people who display this type of behavior may seem charming but often cause harm to others and show little personality disorder, such as anti-social personality disorder. and is seen in men more commonly than women. a person who display this type of behavior may at first appear to be charismatic and outgoing at first but this can hide the fact that such people tend to extremely selfish and self centered. also soon become dangerous or give no thought to the well being of others. often includes hostility and aggression which may take the form of verbal or physical abuse. they would lie and steal to get what they want or simply to hurt others and are also likely to abuse alcohol and drugs.
people of any age can display anti-social behavior. when children exhibit this behavior, its generally referred to as conduct disorder. according to research, conduct disorders that develop prior are more likely continue into adult hood. while a child who develops it later at or after has better chances of behavior not continuing into adulthood. in adults anti-social behavior can be part of a larger personality disorder someone with this might be called sociopath. this is a chronic mental illness  that often prevents sufferers from forming health relationships, holding a regular job, and staying out of trouble with the law. anti-social personality disorder is usually grouped with other related personality disorders such as borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic.

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