Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Id ego and superego

"Do it you know it's only right come on just do it! Take a journey to the wild side. " no; don't.  It's not right. You know that you are wrong". Constantly, that's what our mind tends to do with us. Play tricks and then it's just you the ego. The one who actually can make the decision. You are the one who decides your fate. Have you ever wanted to do something and you that it was bad and possibly dangerous but you don't care? There is something kind of grasping about doing something bad. Its the same with friends. You have good ones but also the bad. You go out and drink and the bad one is pushing you, urging you to just take one more drink! But then the one good friend, the angel comes in and says "No , you have to go home and your parents are going to be mad if your to drunk. But at the end you know that you hold the key to your destiny.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Marilyn Pierre
 English 1
In my research I have found the country Marilyn the capital is Lynese.
The city I’m investigating is Monroe the population is of 20,000 people who are very nice and welcoming. The climate always vary from being cold and then to rainy seasons then back again. It is a very cultural place every December they celebrate with music, good food, and the women where dresses with rhinestones and wear a lot of jewelry the men dress formally with jewelry. This happens because of the misfits when they came to Marilyn they tried to take all the jewelry, money and change the entire country but the people fought and they fought hard. Because of this they are very religious. Their religion is Yenoiva, which means, You shall prosper. They have a long line of history which you can go to the museum of secrets and knowledge and have historical land marks which you have to get tickets to get a tour of the battlegrounds.

Marilyn Pierre
English 1       

Definition essay
Do you know which the best part of life is? “It’s simple when your family understands you as a friend and your friends support you as your family”. Now that would be a great friend But a bad friend is someone who is not there for you, they gives you bad advice, and bad mouth you.
   Some friend s that you will have are never there for you when you really need them. They would only call you to talk about themselves and ask advice that refers to them. There are friends for example if you need advice or financial help temporarily. They would say, “Well, I got bills to pay to”. Or never answer the phone to talk to you. But when they are in need they make sure you’re the first person they ask.
  Bad friends always give bad advice never the good advice. Because they want to have something to laugh about, or just want to make you feel bad about your self. And I see it happen all the time to people. Some of them will tell you to quit your job it’s not worth working at your job if you are overwhelmed with constant work. Instead they should say take it a day at a time and before you know it the job will be done. But no I guess what is the fun in encouragement.
  The one thing that is most aggravating about bad friends. Is that they bad mouth you What type of friend is that. If you are going to bad mouth one of your friends then why be a friend in the first place. They say all kinds of stuff like look what she or he is wearing; you are not so smart etc... There are others that are fake they would hug you and say how are you doing then turn around and laugh at you behind your back.
  At the end of the day we have many good friends and bad friends. We just need to learn how to choose are type of friends some of them will bad mouth you, give you bad advice, and never be there for you.

Marilyn Pierre
English 1
Tamera is a very laid back women.                                                                                 Sometimes when she comes home from work she would go and do yoga, and meditate by her favorite lake near her grand-parents cabin. She would stand by the lake and inhale the pine smell of the trees and exhale the stress. Feeling the wind blow against her cheeks she would stand in her yoga pose to see the mother duck and her ducklings swim across the lake. Then she closes her eyes to meditate and she pictures her self in her comfort zone at peace with the world. She can hear the sounds of birds chirping, the wind blowing, and the branches of the trees scraping the window of the cabin. When she is done she would go inside to get something refreshing for her to drink. Then to sit on her front porch of the cabin to watch the sunrise. Now to come to an end she would drive back home to another starting week of work.

Last month on earth

Marilyn Pierre
English 1
Last Month on Earth
The unbelievable joy that’s rushing into my mind this very moment for I to be chosen to live on mars. Unfortunately this is my last month on earth but before I go to mars to colonize it. I’m going to have to pack up all my things and go shopping because I’m probably never going to come back to earth. Go out and eat all of my favorite foods at my favorite restaurants, Party hard with my friends like say goodbye to everyone I know. The one thing I always wanted to do was to travel to all the places I have never gone to meet new people. Do crazy stunts like snowboard to feel me fall against the snow , jet skiing to feel the water glide on my skin, sky diving me feeling all that wind on my cheeks, be kind of a biker chick and ride a motorcycle. I know crazy right? Now to say farewell I see all the tears I’m off to mars for a new adventure.

Bless you mother nature

                                                                                                                   Marilyn Pierre
                                                                                                                             English 1
Bless you, Mother Nature
Its December morning.  I’m outside and I can feel and see the fluffy, powdery, soft, and glittery white snow. Touching my face and cheeks to feel the 20 degree light, cool breeze, flow through my hair. I look up to see the clouded blue sky as I lay on the ground making snow angels. For the snow to touch my delicate, soft lips. It taste like cold water with shave ice in it. I always loved the winter it always makes me feel like a kid. wanting touch it for the first time and to go and walk around in it. It’s awesome, when you have a lot of snow on the ground. To take the first walk and you are in a field or someplace open, to just look back and see your footprints. Kind of give you a home like feel.

Marilyn Pierre
  English 1
Catharsis  Assignment
Today while getting on the train this weird black guy was trying to get on the train and no one would move to let him on. Finally when he got on the train he was angry, cursing, and even almost got violent. And he was going on and on how the guy did not let him on. After the men got off the train he was still talking that made me mad. My temper was slowly rising and then I got up and told him to shut the hell up. That he was stupid for even carrying on about something he did not even do. I hate when people complain about something and do not take up any action for solving the problem in the first place. You either hit the person or suck it up and go sit down somewhere and forget it ever happened.

                                              Marilyn pierre
Once upon a time I the land of Freedonia a well lovable, beautiful queen named Zaphora who had everything. A beautiful land, lovely people who admire her, wealth, and charm. One day in the extinct land of the nine vortex of evil witch named Ophelia hated the queen and wanted nothing more than to over rule her and rot her adoring land. and to make the people who lived there  turn them into her underling. Nobody would ever thought that Zaphora and Ophelia are actually related but their mother and father thought it would be in great honor to have Zaphora take over the kingdom due to her kind heart and good nature. the witch Ophelia highly to mean and heart darker than night therefore unfortunately uncapable of running the kingdom in turn made her very angry.

The perfect bedroom

    Marilyn Pierre

 English 1 essay


The Perfect Bedroom Growing Up.


  Imagine yourself walking into a room and feeling as though you’re in a comfort zone relaxed at Zen. The soothing colors, fun toys to play with, and that exotic but sweet wonderful smell that’s how I often felt as a kid growing up walking into my bedroom as if I were escaping to another world.

   As a kid I would always come home and go to my room. Where I would step into my room I would feel the soft carpet tickling between my toes. Warm sunlight piercing through the window, and cool breeze blowing through the air vent.  Looking around I would see the pretty sky blue that makes feel at peace, the pretty baby pink that gives a sense of exuberance, and the charming elegance of lavender. Looking up towards the ceiling you would see a princess decal border leading her white long haired horse to the river to drink and multi colored carousel that would always bring me joy.

  Sometimes I would act as if I were in another world or even escaping from reality every time I would look at the princess and the horse on my wall. I would imagine me being a princess escaping my parents and their demands running away into a field filled with nothing but the “crème de la crème” of flowers  Blue carnations and white jasmines. There I would pick up the white jasmine and see the rain drop water slowly dripping off its delicate, soft, petal as I bring the flower towards my nose I would breathe, close my eyes, suddenly I pause then exhale that sweet but pleasing scent I’ll put the flower behind my ear and look up to see my beautiful white long haired horse. I would walk over with my blue, pretty but very detailed dress and get up on my horse. Off we went to a wonderful journey to a pond where I will see those beautiful water lilies under the water where I see my reflection of me stuck underneath the water than back to my room I would be.

  When I come back from all that long day dream  I would look around for my teddy bears and grab the two I like the very most and play with my warm, soft, cuddly, well dressed teddy bears. Then sit and hug them and just go over to my white queen size bed with my pink Hello Kitty sheets, comforter and comfy heart shape pillows.  I would fluff my pillows and lie down, look toward my window, then relax while watching the sunset.

   Now what a great idea if your life can be like that every day with a beautiful room, warm feeling, looking at soothing colors that puts you in a daze, and escaping the world. Now that would be absolutely amazing.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Shopping while black

I did not like how the store clerk treated the black women. It was wrong and a little extreme. Even if it was just an experiment I also felt that the customers were scared. And just did not care how that women was treated because they are not in her shoes. But they could have stood and spoken up for her regardless of her skin. I was especially moved by the Caucasian women in pink that was crying. I also like how the African American man and his wife was standing up. and not letting some people step all over you. It was clear that the author of this video. was just trying to prove that racism is and always will exist for some people. The connection I have with this video is that sometimes when me and my mom will go to a store the employee would just follow and keep asking if we need help. It's up to you to stand or settle.