Monday, April 28, 2014

Last month on earth

Marilyn Pierre
English 1
Last Month on Earth
The unbelievable joy that’s rushing into my mind this very moment for I to be chosen to live on mars. Unfortunately this is my last month on earth but before I go to mars to colonize it. I’m going to have to pack up all my things and go shopping because I’m probably never going to come back to earth. Go out and eat all of my favorite foods at my favorite restaurants, Party hard with my friends like say goodbye to everyone I know. The one thing I always wanted to do was to travel to all the places I have never gone to meet new people. Do crazy stunts like snowboard to feel me fall against the snow , jet skiing to feel the water glide on my skin, sky diving me feeling all that wind on my cheeks, be kind of a biker chick and ride a motorcycle. I know crazy right? Now to say farewell I see all the tears I’m off to mars for a new adventure.

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