Monday, April 28, 2014

Bless you mother nature

                                                                                                                   Marilyn Pierre
                                                                                                                             English 1
Bless you, Mother Nature
Its December morning.  I’m outside and I can feel and see the fluffy, powdery, soft, and glittery white snow. Touching my face and cheeks to feel the 20 degree light, cool breeze, flow through my hair. I look up to see the clouded blue sky as I lay on the ground making snow angels. For the snow to touch my delicate, soft lips. It taste like cold water with shave ice in it. I always loved the winter it always makes me feel like a kid. wanting touch it for the first time and to go and walk around in it. It’s awesome, when you have a lot of snow on the ground. To take the first walk and you are in a field or someplace open, to just look back and see your footprints. Kind of give you a home like feel.

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