Monday, April 28, 2014

Marilyn Pierre
English 1       

Definition essay
Do you know which the best part of life is? “It’s simple when your family understands you as a friend and your friends support you as your family”. Now that would be a great friend But a bad friend is someone who is not there for you, they gives you bad advice, and bad mouth you.
   Some friend s that you will have are never there for you when you really need them. They would only call you to talk about themselves and ask advice that refers to them. There are friends for example if you need advice or financial help temporarily. They would say, “Well, I got bills to pay to”. Or never answer the phone to talk to you. But when they are in need they make sure you’re the first person they ask.
  Bad friends always give bad advice never the good advice. Because they want to have something to laugh about, or just want to make you feel bad about your self. And I see it happen all the time to people. Some of them will tell you to quit your job it’s not worth working at your job if you are overwhelmed with constant work. Instead they should say take it a day at a time and before you know it the job will be done. But no I guess what is the fun in encouragement.
  The one thing that is most aggravating about bad friends. Is that they bad mouth you What type of friend is that. If you are going to bad mouth one of your friends then why be a friend in the first place. They say all kinds of stuff like look what she or he is wearing; you are not so smart etc... There are others that are fake they would hug you and say how are you doing then turn around and laugh at you behind your back.
  At the end of the day we have many good friends and bad friends. We just need to learn how to choose are type of friends some of them will bad mouth you, give you bad advice, and never be there for you.

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