Monday, April 28, 2014

Marilyn Pierre
 English 1
In my research I have found the country Marilyn the capital is Lynese.
The city I’m investigating is Monroe the population is of 20,000 people who are very nice and welcoming. The climate always vary from being cold and then to rainy seasons then back again. It is a very cultural place every December they celebrate with music, good food, and the women where dresses with rhinestones and wear a lot of jewelry the men dress formally with jewelry. This happens because of the misfits when they came to Marilyn they tried to take all the jewelry, money and change the entire country but the people fought and they fought hard. Because of this they are very religious. Their religion is Yenoiva, which means, You shall prosper. They have a long line of history which you can go to the museum of secrets and knowledge and have historical land marks which you have to get tickets to get a tour of the battlegrounds.

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