Monday, April 28, 2014

Marilyn Pierre
English 1
Tamera is a very laid back women.                                                                                 Sometimes when she comes home from work she would go and do yoga, and meditate by her favorite lake near her grand-parents cabin. She would stand by the lake and inhale the pine smell of the trees and exhale the stress. Feeling the wind blow against her cheeks she would stand in her yoga pose to see the mother duck and her ducklings swim across the lake. Then she closes her eyes to meditate and she pictures her self in her comfort zone at peace with the world. She can hear the sounds of birds chirping, the wind blowing, and the branches of the trees scraping the window of the cabin. When she is done she would go inside to get something refreshing for her to drink. Then to sit on her front porch of the cabin to watch the sunrise. Now to come to an end she would drive back home to another starting week of work.

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