Thursday, September 11, 2014

derailed train

Marilyn Pierre
English 2

Derailed train

It is Friday morning and I just came off of the F-Train. ABC news is in my face asking me questions on what just happened. It was a startling moment for me, sitting there and all of a sudden the train started to shake. As I look over at the other passengers I can see the fear in their eyes. Goosebumps start to rise on my skin because of the cold air; the people that were standing are now falling on the ground and onto those who are sitting. The train zooming really fast off the tracks and into the queens tunnel. I can smell nothing but smoke and see nothing but dust, some people were yelling for help and others could not move. I can see the pain the other passengers were in, tears start to water in the women eyes next to me. I am just happy that I am safe and no one died.

dark room

Marilyn Pierre

English 2


Dark room

I am waking up in a dark room I tried to squint my eyes a bit but I can’t see any thing, its pitch black. As I inhale the light air freshener scent of warm vanilla which I said to myself it smells familiar. I can hear music next to me playing and feel its cold, rectangular shape it must be an IPod. The sound of the air conditioner coming through the air vent, the tiny hairs on my skin start to rise. I slowly rise, putting both my hands in front of me waving it around. Then suddenly I tripped over something soft and fluffy I picked it up feeling it has two eyes, a nose, and is hairy,” it’s a teddy bear”. I started to walk around a bit more with the stuffed animal in my hand and can feel next to me there is a bed. Quickly I noticed that I am in my own bedroom.

complaint drafting prep of legal doc

Kim Lohman
456 Forest Hills
Queens NY 11550
(718) xxx-xxxx
Kim Lohman
Wilber Hall Law school, Mr. John doe and Mrs. Jane doe, Secretary
CASE NO: 105-831
Plaintiff complains and for causes of action alleges as follows:
1. Plaintiff, Kim Lohman, is an individual and is
now, and at all times mentioned in this complaint is, a
resident of Brooklyn County, NewYork.
2. Defendant Wilbert Hall Law School is now, and at all times
mentioned in this complaint is, a Law school organized and
existing under the laws of the State of New York, with its
place of business in Nassau County,NewYork.
3. Plaintiff does not know the true names of defendants
and therefore sues them by those fictitious names. And alleges, that each of
those defendants was in some manner negligently and proximately
responsible for the events and happenings alleged in this
complaint and for plaintiff's injuries and damages.
4. Tuesday, Lohman accompanied Tony Raiford to the second floor of Wilbert Hall Law School Annex.
5. Raiford had appointment with drafting instructor; Appointment was at 4:30.
6. At 5:00 Secretary left. Lohman, Raiford, and instructor were the only one on premises.
7. Lohman heard a crash on S.W. second ave.
8. A door was open to an office at the front of building.
9.  Lohman went behind the desk to see what happened.
10. Lohman tripped on a cord, bumped into a desk as she fell.
11. Scissors that was on the edge of the desk fell onto the floor and Lohman landed on one of the blades. And discovered she could not move her right arm.
13.  Lohman went to the hospital, her arm was broken, and there was a deep gash in her hand that required seven stitches.
 Plaintiff, demands judgment against defendants,
and each of them, for the following:
14. Medical bills amounting $665.47.
15. Loss to perform tasks required as medical student.
16. Costs of this action; and
17. Any other and further relief that the court considers
 DATED: _______________
I, ___, am a ___in the above-entitled action. I have read the foregoing ___and know the contents thereof. The same is true of my own knowledge, except as to those matters which are therein alleged on information and belief, and as to those matters, I believe it to be true.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration was executed at Kings County, Brooklyn.
DATED: _________________ ___________________________________
Respectfully submitted,
                                                                                    Marilyn & Bridgett, LLC
                                                                                              Marilyn & Bridgett
                                                                                      Kings Inner Harbor Center
                                                                                  400 East Pratt Street, 8th Floor
                                                                                     Brooklyn, New York 21201

Buisness letter

Marilyn Pierre


Hempstead, NY 11550





Carolyn McCarthy

U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 224-3121
TTY: (202)-225-1904




Dear, Carolyn McCarthy

 I am writing you today for my concern of Welfare Reform according  to it states that A main goal of these reforms is to reduce the number of individuals or families dependent on government assistance and to assist the recipients in their efforts to become self-sufficient. But how can they be self sufficient if you are helping those who is typically not in need. I feel that you are basically praising the people who are not working, if you are not working you get more benefits, more help and those who are trying and are making a little money they get little help. This is not fair they are trying to make it in the world. Some of those who are not working for example get housing, free education, and more assistance. so your basically saying they must be broke and have 4 children or more to get help. If you notice on the top it states to become self sufficient how would they try to help themselves if they have someone else helping them and feeling sorry for them the real question is if you had government help for not working and you get all the benefits like free housing, food, education and more would you get up and get a job so you can get less or no help at all?.

Thank you for taking your time to read this letter




Marilyn Pierre



Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Id ego and superego

"Do it you know it's only right come on just do it! Take a journey to the wild side. " no; don't.  It's not right. You know that you are wrong". Constantly, that's what our mind tends to do with us. Play tricks and then it's just you the ego. The one who actually can make the decision. You are the one who decides your fate. Have you ever wanted to do something and you that it was bad and possibly dangerous but you don't care? There is something kind of grasping about doing something bad. Its the same with friends. You have good ones but also the bad. You go out and drink and the bad one is pushing you, urging you to just take one more drink! But then the one good friend, the angel comes in and says "No , you have to go home and your parents are going to be mad if your to drunk. But at the end you know that you hold the key to your destiny.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Marilyn Pierre
 English 1
In my research I have found the country Marilyn the capital is Lynese.
The city I’m investigating is Monroe the population is of 20,000 people who are very nice and welcoming. The climate always vary from being cold and then to rainy seasons then back again. It is a very cultural place every December they celebrate with music, good food, and the women where dresses with rhinestones and wear a lot of jewelry the men dress formally with jewelry. This happens because of the misfits when they came to Marilyn they tried to take all the jewelry, money and change the entire country but the people fought and they fought hard. Because of this they are very religious. Their religion is Yenoiva, which means, You shall prosper. They have a long line of history which you can go to the museum of secrets and knowledge and have historical land marks which you have to get tickets to get a tour of the battlegrounds.

Marilyn Pierre
English 1       

Definition essay
Do you know which the best part of life is? “It’s simple when your family understands you as a friend and your friends support you as your family”. Now that would be a great friend But a bad friend is someone who is not there for you, they gives you bad advice, and bad mouth you.
   Some friend s that you will have are never there for you when you really need them. They would only call you to talk about themselves and ask advice that refers to them. There are friends for example if you need advice or financial help temporarily. They would say, “Well, I got bills to pay to”. Or never answer the phone to talk to you. But when they are in need they make sure you’re the first person they ask.
  Bad friends always give bad advice never the good advice. Because they want to have something to laugh about, or just want to make you feel bad about your self. And I see it happen all the time to people. Some of them will tell you to quit your job it’s not worth working at your job if you are overwhelmed with constant work. Instead they should say take it a day at a time and before you know it the job will be done. But no I guess what is the fun in encouragement.
  The one thing that is most aggravating about bad friends. Is that they bad mouth you What type of friend is that. If you are going to bad mouth one of your friends then why be a friend in the first place. They say all kinds of stuff like look what she or he is wearing; you are not so smart etc... There are others that are fake they would hug you and say how are you doing then turn around and laugh at you behind your back.
  At the end of the day we have many good friends and bad friends. We just need to learn how to choose are type of friends some of them will bad mouth you, give you bad advice, and never be there for you.

Marilyn Pierre
English 1
Tamera is a very laid back women.                                                                                 Sometimes when she comes home from work she would go and do yoga, and meditate by her favorite lake near her grand-parents cabin. She would stand by the lake and inhale the pine smell of the trees and exhale the stress. Feeling the wind blow against her cheeks she would stand in her yoga pose to see the mother duck and her ducklings swim across the lake. Then she closes her eyes to meditate and she pictures her self in her comfort zone at peace with the world. She can hear the sounds of birds chirping, the wind blowing, and the branches of the trees scraping the window of the cabin. When she is done she would go inside to get something refreshing for her to drink. Then to sit on her front porch of the cabin to watch the sunrise. Now to come to an end she would drive back home to another starting week of work.

Last month on earth

Marilyn Pierre
English 1
Last Month on Earth
The unbelievable joy that’s rushing into my mind this very moment for I to be chosen to live on mars. Unfortunately this is my last month on earth but before I go to mars to colonize it. I’m going to have to pack up all my things and go shopping because I’m probably never going to come back to earth. Go out and eat all of my favorite foods at my favorite restaurants, Party hard with my friends like say goodbye to everyone I know. The one thing I always wanted to do was to travel to all the places I have never gone to meet new people. Do crazy stunts like snowboard to feel me fall against the snow , jet skiing to feel the water glide on my skin, sky diving me feeling all that wind on my cheeks, be kind of a biker chick and ride a motorcycle. I know crazy right? Now to say farewell I see all the tears I’m off to mars for a new adventure.

Bless you mother nature

                                                                                                                   Marilyn Pierre
                                                                                                                             English 1
Bless you, Mother Nature
Its December morning.  I’m outside and I can feel and see the fluffy, powdery, soft, and glittery white snow. Touching my face and cheeks to feel the 20 degree light, cool breeze, flow through my hair. I look up to see the clouded blue sky as I lay on the ground making snow angels. For the snow to touch my delicate, soft lips. It taste like cold water with shave ice in it. I always loved the winter it always makes me feel like a kid. wanting touch it for the first time and to go and walk around in it. It’s awesome, when you have a lot of snow on the ground. To take the first walk and you are in a field or someplace open, to just look back and see your footprints. Kind of give you a home like feel.

Marilyn Pierre
  English 1
Catharsis  Assignment
Today while getting on the train this weird black guy was trying to get on the train and no one would move to let him on. Finally when he got on the train he was angry, cursing, and even almost got violent. And he was going on and on how the guy did not let him on. After the men got off the train he was still talking that made me mad. My temper was slowly rising and then I got up and told him to shut the hell up. That he was stupid for even carrying on about something he did not even do. I hate when people complain about something and do not take up any action for solving the problem in the first place. You either hit the person or suck it up and go sit down somewhere and forget it ever happened.

                                              Marilyn pierre
Once upon a time I the land of Freedonia a well lovable, beautiful queen named Zaphora who had everything. A beautiful land, lovely people who admire her, wealth, and charm. One day in the extinct land of the nine vortex of evil witch named Ophelia hated the queen and wanted nothing more than to over rule her and rot her adoring land. and to make the people who lived there  turn them into her underling. Nobody would ever thought that Zaphora and Ophelia are actually related but their mother and father thought it would be in great honor to have Zaphora take over the kingdom due to her kind heart and good nature. the witch Ophelia highly to mean and heart darker than night therefore unfortunately uncapable of running the kingdom in turn made her very angry.

The perfect bedroom

    Marilyn Pierre

 English 1 essay


The Perfect Bedroom Growing Up.


  Imagine yourself walking into a room and feeling as though you’re in a comfort zone relaxed at Zen. The soothing colors, fun toys to play with, and that exotic but sweet wonderful smell that’s how I often felt as a kid growing up walking into my bedroom as if I were escaping to another world.

   As a kid I would always come home and go to my room. Where I would step into my room I would feel the soft carpet tickling between my toes. Warm sunlight piercing through the window, and cool breeze blowing through the air vent.  Looking around I would see the pretty sky blue that makes feel at peace, the pretty baby pink that gives a sense of exuberance, and the charming elegance of lavender. Looking up towards the ceiling you would see a princess decal border leading her white long haired horse to the river to drink and multi colored carousel that would always bring me joy.

  Sometimes I would act as if I were in another world or even escaping from reality every time I would look at the princess and the horse on my wall. I would imagine me being a princess escaping my parents and their demands running away into a field filled with nothing but the “crème de la crème” of flowers  Blue carnations and white jasmines. There I would pick up the white jasmine and see the rain drop water slowly dripping off its delicate, soft, petal as I bring the flower towards my nose I would breathe, close my eyes, suddenly I pause then exhale that sweet but pleasing scent I’ll put the flower behind my ear and look up to see my beautiful white long haired horse. I would walk over with my blue, pretty but very detailed dress and get up on my horse. Off we went to a wonderful journey to a pond where I will see those beautiful water lilies under the water where I see my reflection of me stuck underneath the water than back to my room I would be.

  When I come back from all that long day dream  I would look around for my teddy bears and grab the two I like the very most and play with my warm, soft, cuddly, well dressed teddy bears. Then sit and hug them and just go over to my white queen size bed with my pink Hello Kitty sheets, comforter and comfy heart shape pillows.  I would fluff my pillows and lie down, look toward my window, then relax while watching the sunset.

   Now what a great idea if your life can be like that every day with a beautiful room, warm feeling, looking at soothing colors that puts you in a daze, and escaping the world. Now that would be absolutely amazing.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Shopping while black

I did not like how the store clerk treated the black women. It was wrong and a little extreme. Even if it was just an experiment I also felt that the customers were scared. And just did not care how that women was treated because they are not in her shoes. But they could have stood and spoken up for her regardless of her skin. I was especially moved by the Caucasian women in pink that was crying. I also like how the African American man and his wife was standing up. and not letting some people step all over you. It was clear that the author of this video. was just trying to prove that racism is and always will exist for some people. The connection I have with this video is that sometimes when me and my mom will go to a store the employee would just follow and keep asking if we need help. It's up to you to stand or settle.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

infamous serial killers


Dean Corll

Deal Corll - The Candy Man - serial killer
Credit: US Military (via Wikimedia)
Dean Corll, also known as “The Candy Man,” didn’t act alone. He worked with two accomplices — Elmer Wayne Henley and David Brooks. Corll is thought to have murdered at least 28 boys in the Houston area from 1970 through 1973. The boys were beaten and raped while tied to a plywood “torture board.” Victims were killed with a gun or by strangulation.
Dean Corll wasn’t prosecuted for his crimes. He was killed by one of his accomplices (Henley). While Henley was convicted of six murders, he wasn’t charged with killing Corll. That was ruled to be self-defense.

Amy Archer-Gilligan

Amy Archer Gilligan - serial killer
Credit: Desconocido (via Wikimedia)
Amy Archer-Gilligan ran a convalescent home in Connecticut. Oddly, her murders inspired the comedy “Arsenic and Old Lace.” She killed residents of her nursing home by poisoning them with arsenic and strychnine shortly after they’d paid her large sums of money. It’s also believed that she killed her wealthy second husband for the inheritance. According to the New York Daily News, “it’s estimated that at least 20 people, and some estimate as many as 100, including her husbands, died by her hand.”
She was only tried for one murder — that of Franklin R. Andrews. She was found guilty and sentenced to death in 1917 and was granted a new trial on appeal. This time she pleaded insanity. She was again found guilty and this time sentenced to life imprisonment.

The Boston Strangler

Alber DeSalvo - The Boston Strangler
Albert DeSalvo — Credit: FBI (via Wikimedia)
The Boston’s Strangler’s true identity still hasn’t been confirmed, although Albert DeSalvo confessed to being the notorious northeast killer. This unknown serial killer murdered at least 13 women in Boston between 1962 and 1964. Most of the women were sexually assaulted before being strangled, although one elderly victim died of a heart attack and at least two victims were stabbed. Victims’ ages ranged from 19 to 85.
Albert DeSalvo confessed to the stranglings in 1964 after being caught and charged with other sexual assaults (where the victims were not murdered). He was sentenced to life in prison, later escaped but turned himself in, and was ultimately stabbed to death while he was incarcerated.
Many people still believe DeSalvo lied about being The Boston Strangler however, due to inconsistencies and inaccuracies in his claims, DNA evidence that would seem to clear him in at least one case, and the belief that the crimes were too different to all be committed by the same person.

The Zodiac Killer

The Zodiac Killer
Credit: Fredy.00 (via Wikimedia)
The Zodiac Killer, who has never been identified, attacked couples around San Francisco in the late 1960s. The Zodiac Killer claimed to have committed 37 murders in total, but only seven have been confirmed so far. They included three young couples and a young man. The known victims were either shot or stabbed.
The killer himself came up with the “Zodiac” name when he used it in letters to the press. He sent them four coded messages (cryptograms). Only one of them has been definitively solved — by a high school teacher. In that letter, the killer expressed his joy in killing, calling it “so much fun.” And he claimed that the people he murdered would become his slaves in the afterlife.
Read on for our original list of America’s famous serial killers or leave a comment to tell us about a serial killer we haven’t covered here.

Serial killers — you’d be hard-pressed to spot them in a crowd. They look just like everyone else. In fact, most of them are soft-spoken and polite. Their monstrous nature comes through only when you delve deeper into their personalities, actions and habits.
Reading the gruesome tales of serial killers sends a chill up the spine.  Most of them seem to have had a dysfunctional family setting and were abused as children — emotionally, sexually or verbally. It’s as if this activates some psychological trigger in their minds, increasing the feelings of inadequacy or worthlessness, and causing them to seek out their own heinous form of release.
There have been hundreds of serial killers in the history of America, and there are a few that tend to stay in the minds of citizens, becoming “famous.”
Here are just a few of the (in)famous serial killers that have walked the streets of our nation, in no particular order. There may be many others that are notorious or have killed more people, but we picked a few of the more famous killers that truly shocked us.

Ed Gein (Killings between 1947 and 1957)

Known as history’s most inspirational killer, his character became a central element in many films, including Alfred Hitchcock’s thriller Psycho and the character of Buffalo Bill  in The Silence of the Lambs, among others.
Modus Operandi
Gein was a serial killer who skinned his victims, exhumed corpses, and decorated his home with parts of his victims’ bodies. Human skin was used to make dust bins, furniture, and even clothes.
Gein was born in 1906 as the younger of two boys. He had a weak alcoholic father and a domineering mother who was deeply religious. He was said to be very attached to her. She taught them about immorality and the evils of women and sex and discouraged their sexual desires. He turned into an effeminate and shy boy.
His father died as a result of his alcoholism and later his brother Henry, who used to criticize his mother about Gein’s unhealthy attachment to her, died in a mysterious fire. The younger boy was later suspected.
With nobody to control him after his mother passed away, Gein became obsessed with sexual fantasies and female anatomy. Fascinated by the human experiments performed in Nazi camps, he started robbing graves to perform experiments of his own, including exhuming his own mother’s body. The experiments became gruesome and cannibalistic. He had the desire to turn himself into a woman and would create breasts out of human skin and drape them over himself. He believed that for a sex change, he would need fresh bodies and thus started his killing spree, which was said to be because of his love-hate relationship with his mother.
House of Horrors
When police finally caught up with him, they found a variety of gruesome sights — hanging corpses with their throats and heads missing, bowls made of skulls, pieces of jewelry made of human skin, hanging lips, skin upholstery for chairs, and masks made of facial skin and vulva (including his mother’s) that were painted silver. The most shocking discovery was perhaps his mother’s heart, which was found in a pan on the stove.
Killings and Sentence
Police counted 15 women as his victims. Gein told the police that he never had sex with any of the dead women as “they smelled too bad.” His fascination with women was because of the power they held over men. Gein was admitted to Waupan State Hospital and died of cancer at the age of 78.

Ted Bundy (Killings between 1974 and 1978)

Ted Bundy proved that even the devil can be attractive. Bundy was one of the most infamous serial killers in American history. He was handsome, charming and cultured, all traits playing a role in his ability to rape and murder numerous young women. He even engaged in necrophilia (sexual attraction or involvement with corpses).
Modus Operandi
Bundy had unique techniques of luring his victims. He would drink alcohol before approaching potential victims, even in a crowd or in broad daylight, and gain their trust by faking an injury with his arm in a fake cast or a sling. He would at times act as a policeman or fire department personnel. After luring victims to his car, he would hit them on their head with a crowbar. He then raped and assaulted them sexually before strangling and mutilating them.
This good looking maniac used to visit the corpses several times at the Taylor Mountain body dump site, apply makeup to them, and sleep with them till they putrefied.
One of the theories says that he started killing people as early as 14 years old. Many of his victims are said to have a physical resemblance to his first girlfriend.
Bundy was born Theodore Robert Cowell in 1946 in Burlington, Vermont to an unmarried mother of 22. He gets his name from his stepfather. He was made to believe by his grandparents that he was their son and that his mother was actually his sister.
He was a good student, and like most young people devastated when his first love left him. Bundy didn’t deal with the grief as most people do though. He spent years trying to get her back, and when he did he started killing innocent people and then dumped his girlfriend just as she dumped him.
Killings and Sentence
He was executed in 1989 after confessing to 40 murders.
Before his execution, he revealed that his addiction to pornography led him to do what he did. He said that there are many people out there who were addicted and nothing is being done about them.
One of Bundy’s famous quotes – “We serial killers are your sons, we are your husbands, we are everywhere. And there will be more of your children dead tomorrow.”

David Berkowitz – Son of Sam (Killings between 1976 and 1977)

Better known as the Son of Sam or the .44 killer, David Berkowitz is a New York City serial killer who killed six people and wounded many others. His crimes became famous because of his letters to the media and the police, in addition to the reason he committed these crimes.
Reason for Killing
Berkowitz gave an odd reason for killing – he claimed that to keep the demons quiet, he started doing what they wanted. When dogs howled, he started believing that these dogs were demons asking him to kill women. He was convinced that his house owners, Jack and his wife, were part of the demon conspiracy and Jack was the commander in chief of all the dogs.
Later he shifted into another apartment but was still controlled by the demons in his mind. His new neighbor, Sam Carr, had a black Labrador which Berkowitz believed was possessed. He shot the dog. That did not provide any relief as he began believing that Sam Carr was possessed by the biggest demon, and perhaps Satan himself. Each night these demons told Berkowitz to kill and quench their thirst for blood.
He also used to write letters to the police and media, essentially taunting them with details of his killings.
David Berkowitz, born 1953, was an adopted son of a middle class family in the Bronx. Although his parents loved him, Berkowitz carried a lot of anger and guilt inside him as he felt responsible for the death of his natural mother, who he was told died giving birth to him. Experts believe that could be the reason for his aggressive behavior.
He was devastated when his mother died of cancer and his father remarried and relocated to Florida, leaving him behind when he was 18.
Later he found out that his natural mother was alive and that he had a sister. There was a reunion, butit was too late for him by then as he preferred his isolation and delusions.
Killings and Sentence
Berkowitz received a 365 year prison sentence and told the FBI that he invented the “Son of Sam” stories to convince the court that he was out of his mind. He then said the real reason he killed was partly because he hated his mother for leaving him and partly his failure with women. He felt sexually aroused when he killed women, and he killed six of them.

John Wayne Gacy (Killings between 1972 and 1978)

A respected member of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, a precinct captain in the local Democratic party, the owner of a contracting business and a performing joker at children’s parties, John Wayne Gacy seemed as normal as they come.
He came to be known as one of the most prolific serial killers in U.S. history.
Modus Operandi
Gacy lured his victims into handcuffs in the pretext of showing them a pair of trick handcuffs he used in his clown act. He’d then dare the youth to free themselves. Once the boys were handcuffed, he would use either a rope or a board across their throats to kill them while he raped them.
Gacy was born into a blue-collar family in 1942 and had two sisters. His father was an abusive alcoholic who verbally and physically abused his children. Gacy deeply loved his father and strived to please him, but failed.
He had the ability to persuade an manipulate people, likely because of how normal and harmless he seemed on the outside. He later got married and had two kids of his own, but his wife left him when he was arrested for trying to coerce a fellow employee into homosexual acts.
Another thing to note is that he injured his head by falling off a swing when he was 11 years old. He suffered from blackouts until he was 16, and then was diagnosed with a blood clot and the condition was corrected.
Killings and Sentence
When Gacy realized that police were about to arrest him, he surrendered himself. He told them, “There are four Johns” (similar to multiple personalities) — one was a contractor, another a clown, one a politician, and the fourth went by the name Jack Hanley, and he did evil things.
Gacy confessed to more than 24 murders and drew a map to 28 graves under his house and garage. He also said he threw five others into the Des Plaines River.
He was executed with a lethal injection on May 10, 1994. His last meal consisted of fried chicken, Coke, French fries and strawberry shortcake. His last words were, “Kiss my ass.”

Jeffrey Dahmer – Monster (Killings between 1978 and 1991

This Milwaukee serial killer murdered boys of Asian and African descent. His murders were gruesome and involved torture, forced sodomy, dismemberment (removing their limbs), necrophilia, and cannibalism.
He was arrested first when caught fondling a 13-year-old boy in Milwaukee and was sentenced to one year in a work release camp. After serving ten months, he was released on probation for his good behavior. That’s when his killing spree began.
He committed his first murder at the age of 18, shortly after being released, and his first victim was a 19-year-old hitchhiker.
There was a much-talked about story about a 14-year-old boy who almost escaped Dahmer in 1991. He wandered into the streets without clothes, with Dahmer in pursuit. Police believed Dahmer’s story that the boy was 19 years old and was his partner, and took the boy to Dahmer’s house. In spite of noticing a weird smell there, they left without investigating. Soon after, the boy was killed and Dahmer kept his skull as a souvenir.
Dahmer was the son of an analytical chemist, and as a child he had a fascination with dissecting dead animals. By the time he was a teenager, he was an alcoholic and a loner. He dropped out of college and his father forced him to enlist in the Army. After just two years, he was discharged because of his heavy drinking. Since he did not want to face his father, he moved in with his grandmother and lived with her for six years. His grandmother asked him to move out when he was arrested for exposing himself in public.
Killings and Sentence
Dahmer was caught by the police when a would-be victim escaped and alerted them. He was held responsible for 15 murders, sentenced to 15 life terms. Dahmer then expressed remorse and wished death upon himself. He was beaten to death by a fellow inmate and died of severe head trauma.

Gary Ridgway – The Green River Killer (Killings between 1982 and 1984)

“I hate most prostitutes. I did not want to pay them for sex. I also picked prostitutes as victims because they were easy to pick up without being noticed. I knew they would not be reported missing right away, and might never be reported missing.” These were the words of one of the worst slayers in American history, who was said to have killed more women than any other serial killer — Gary Ridgway.
The Green River Killer drama unfolds at Aurora Avenue on the banks of the Green River where hundreds of prostitutes hang around, and where on July 15, 1982 the body of a 16-year-old prostitute was found. She was the first victim of the infamous Green River Killer and was raped and strangled to death. He had the habit of finding a landmark and leaving a group of dead bodies in ‘clusters,” to remember easily. Driving by these clusters and remembering them gave him a high.
The killings continued and police couldn’t find a clue, so the “Green River Taskforce” was formed in 1984. The death toll had reached 26 by then.
Ted Bundy’s Help
Another serial killer, Ted Bundy (who was sitting on a death row), offered to assist the police and gave them several clues into the working of a serial killer’s mind until the time he was executed.
Ridgway was born in Salt Lake City, Utah and he had two brothers. He had a domineering mother who constantly yelled at their father and controlled Ted completely, and she was never pleased with what he did. Ridgway’s IQ was 80, which signified a slight mental deficiency. He had a troubled adolescence and stabbed a six-year-old kid when he was 16. He always had an obsession with prostitutes.
He was married for fourteen years and he managed two totally different identities: one the life of a wonderful husband going on romantic vacations, and the other of the infamous serial killer.
Killings and Sentence
The Green River Killer caused mayhem for two and half years during the 1980s. He pleaded guilty to 48 charges in 2003, but claimed to have killed 71 women. A controversial plea bargain he entered into spared him execution in exchange for helping to locate the remains of all of those women by providing details. This created a lot of controversy as many people believed that a person who murdered so many people should not be spared the death sentence.
He was sentenced to 48 life sentences and is currently incarcerated in Washington at the Washington State Penitentiary.

Belle Sorenson Gunness (Killings between 1900 and 1908)

Unlike many other female killers, Gunness didn’t poison her victims — she slaughtered them. She was a 42-year-old Norwegian immigrant who purchased a property in La Porte, Indiana using her first husband’s insurance after his death. Her husband and two of her children were said to have died mysteriously, although she wasn’t suspected. After moving to La Porte with the rest of her children, she married Peter Gunness who died after just nine months. She collected another insurance payment. Over the next few years, other men that came into her life vanished without trace.
She became famous for being a black widow — killing several of her husbands, ranch workers and adopted children.
Modus Operandi
She would place matrimonial ads in newspapers and promised men marital bliss and a life filled with love. Several hopefuls traveled to La Porte carrying their life savings with them. She would then drug them and cut them up as she cut her hogs. She would then wrap them up with oilskin and bury them at her farm.
A letter she wrote reads – “My heart beats in wild rapture for you, My Andrew, I love you. Come prepared to stay forever.”
There are various accounts of her background. She was said to be one of eight children and was born in Stoersetgjerdet in Norway. One story goes that she got pregnant with a man and he kicked her in her stomach in public causing her to lose her child. He disappeared soon after. According to her sister, Belle was said to be crazy for money.
Missing Mysteriously
In 1908, Gunness’ farmhouse caught fire and burned to the ground. When it was put out, the remains of several people were discovered — men, children, and even a woman. The children were identified as hers. The woman was assumed to be Gunness herself, although there was no head. It was thought she died in that fire.
Many butchered bodies were found around her property, carved like turkeys. The heads were cut off, arms removed, and legs sawed off at the thigh.
Despite the assumption that she died, her ranch hand and lover, Lamphere, claimed that he helped Belle fake her own death and run away when he was arrested. Officially, she was presumed dead.
She was said to have killed 49 people.

Charles Manson (Killings in 1969)

Called the “most dangerous man” and the “devil,” Charles Manson was the terror of the 60s.
He was born in 1934 to a 16-year-old mother who was a troublemaker. She left him with his aunt or grandmother most of the time. She was arrested on armed robbery charges and sent to a penitentiary, leaving Manson to live with his aunt and uncle. Even after she was released, his mother didn’t want the responsibility of looking after him. She was even willing to trade him for a drink. His father was never in the scene from his birth.
Manson turned out to be a troublemaker himself, and he was sent to a reform school at the age of nine. By the time he was 26, he was charged with rape, drug charges, stealing, pimping, and more.
He was religious and used this to manipulate people into following him. When he was 34, he formed the “Charles Manson Family” by attracting a group of followers — mostly young women with troubled pasts. He used amphetamines to alter their personalities and they started calling him “Jesus Christ” and did everything he wanted, including physical favors.
He was a music lover who believed that the “Beatles’” were prophets sent to earth to warn of an upcoming revolution. Manson focused on an Armageddon, where the blacks would rise to power and kill all whites and the Manson family would be the only white family living. He felt the blacks wouldn’t be able to stay in power because of an inferiority complex and that the Manson family would then rule the world.
When this did not happen, he started having people killed by his “family” members.
Killings and Sentence
His first murder was that of Sharon Tate, wife of director Roman Polanski. The next was the LaBianca family. He was sentenced to death but later reduced to life imprisonment, when California Supreme Court eliminated death penalties temporarily. He is currently an inmate at Corcoran State Prison.

Albert Fish (Killings between 1919 and 1930)

Albert Fish may have been America’s most vile pedophile, serial killer, and cannibal. He is known by many names — Gray Man, Brooklyn Vampire, The Boogeyman, and the Werewolf of Wysteria. He was a gentle-looking and benevolent grandfather, a total contrast to the monster within him. His wife considered him a wonderful husband and his children believed he was a model father. Some of his crimes seem unbelievable.
Hamy Fish (his birth name) was born in Washington D.C. as the youngest of four children. Several of his family members had mental health problems. After his father’s death, he was put in an orphanage by his mother and he was whipped at the orphanage frequently. That’s said to be when he began to realize that he enjoyed physical pain and felt aroused by it. Then he entered into homosexual relationships at the age of 12 and was introduced to other perverse practices of drinking urine and coprophagia. His weekends were spent visiting public baths to watch boys undress. This led to male prostitution, which continued even after his marriage and the births of his six children.
Turning into a Psycho-Masochist
He also developed an unusual interest in castration and visited brothels where he got himself whipped and beaten. He pushed needles into his body, including his genitalia. X-rays later revealed a total of 27 needles inside him.
It was at the age of 55 that he started experiencing hallucinations. He believed God ordered him to castrate young boys. This was diagnosed as religious psychosis and is what led to the several mutilations and murders he committed.
Killings and Sentence
Although he was a suspect in five killings, he stated that he “had” around 100 children in all states. Nobody knew whether he was talking about cannibalization or molestation. He was executed on an electric chair.

Herman Webster Mudgett – Dr. Holmes (Killings between 1893 and 1895)

Mudgett’s criminal career started as a medical student who stole corpses from the University of Michigan. He used those corpses to collect insurance money on policies taken under fictitious names. He then started a drug store empire and constructed a huge hundred-room mansion with trap doors, lime pits, fake walls, acid vats, and secret entrances.
Modus Operandi
He would rent rooms to visitors and then try and collect the insurance when they were killed there. He also used to lure women to his “torture castle,” promising marriage. He would then throw them down the elevator shaft and gas them to death. But before he did that he would force them to sign all their life savings over to him.
Herman was born in New Hampshire and his father was very strict, often bullying his son. He had a well-known fear of the local doctor’s office and because of this other students in his school would often force him to touch human skeletons. What was meant to be a scare turned out to be a fascination, which led to him stealing corpses while in medical school.
He started using the name “H.H. Holmes” after moving to Chicago and got engaged in a lot of shady activities. He is also a bigamist, married a second time and a third time while still married to the first wife. He was known to be a charmer and a ladies’ man.
His huge castle with secret passages had a drugstore and other shops on the ground floor and the upper areas were used as his office. There were more than a hundred rooms without windows, and there were doorways that opened into brick walls. There were also stairways to nowhere, doors that could not be opened from the inside and several other such oddities. This was to become his killing den.
It was here that the killing spree sprouted over a period of three horrible years. Female victims were mostly his employees who were required to take a life insurance policy where Holmes would pay the premiums. Soundproof rooms with gas lines fitted in were used to kill people. These victims were asphyxiated and their screams went unnoticed as they suffocated. There was a chute that took the bodies to the basement, where some bodies were dissected, flesh removed and turned into skeletal models. He sold these skeletons and other organs to medical schools.He also performed illegal abortions in the castle and many of his patients died.
Eventually police grew suspicious about the activities in the castle and when he knew he was getting caught, he burnt the castle and vanished. Remains of more than two hundred people were found in the charred debris. He was later caught and hanged.

Coral Eugene Watts – (Killings between 1974 and 1982)

Watts was the first known serial killer in the nation’s history to have legally acquired immunity, and at one point it even looked as if he would be released in 2006 in spite of having committed between 80-100 murders. When a detective said that he did not have enough fingers and toes to count all the murders he committed, Watts replied that there were not enough fingers and toes in the room. (There were four men in the room.)
Usually serial killers are said to kill people of their own race. However Watts, who was an African American, killed whites mostly.
He admitted to killing females because he saw evil in their eyes. He drowned women in a bathtub in order to prevent their spirits from escaping.
He was not caught for many years because he killed in different jurisdictions and different states. DNA tests also didn’t prove anything because he did not dally with his victims, unlike other serial killers.
Modus Operandi
Watts would drive a couple of hours to commit his murders.  He stalked women in his car, would park ahead of them, get out of the car, and then approach them. He killed females between the ages of 14 and 34 by strangulation, drowning, and stabbing. Occasionally he also used tools and other metal objects.
He started killing at the age of 20 but did not rape them, and some of his murders occurred without him even touching the women. For him, the thrill came from the hunt and attack.
Watts’ parents divorced when he was two and he lived with his mother and step-father. He was said to act weird when he was a kid. He was never good at academics but excelled in boxing.
He started having morbid dreams when he was 12, always revolving around killing women. In his dreams, he would punch their evil spirits and he usually fell off his bed. When asked by psychiatrists later whether these dreams disturbed him, he said, “No, I feel better after having them.”
These dreams slowly turned into reality when he started watching, stalking, and looking into the eyes of women to find evil. By the age of 15, he began hitting and choking them. Ultimately it wasn’t enough for him to hurt those women — he had to kill them.
Killings and Sentence
Due to lack of evidence of murder, a plea bargain granted immunity from murder if he confessed to his murders and gave details. Due to this and his good behavior, Watts could have been released in 2006. However, after Watts confessed to about 80 murders, the Michigan authorities refused to go in with the deal and got witnesses to come out and speak about a couple of murders. Watts was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment. However, he died of prostate cancer in 2007.

Richard Angelo (Killings between April 1987 and October 1987)

Angelo was a killer with a different mindset from all others. He made the entire nation scared of hospitals. The desire to be a hero in others’ eyes made him a monster. He was 26 when he went to work at the Good Samaritan Hospital on Long Island in New York. He was a former Eagle Scout and always tried to do good things and help others.
His inability to achieve the level of praise he always desired made him a dangerous serial killer of a totally different kind.
Modus Operandi
He took advantage of the graveyard shift at the hospital to satisfy his desires. He would inject Pavulon and Anectine into patients and bring them to a near-death states. He would tell them that he was giving them drugs that would make them feel better. After injecting these drugs, the patients begin feeling numb and their breathing became constricted. They also lost their ability to communicate with the doctors and nurses. Then he would show his heroism by helping to save his victims, impressing everyone in the hospital.
Death came upon many of these patients as he was unable to intervene and save them from his deadly injections.
Angelo was a former boy scout and always wanted to be a hero. He was said to crave for attention from his parents and everyone else around him.
Killings and Sentence
He is said to have killed 25 people and was caught when one of his victims managed to use the call button for assistance after being injected. One of the nurses then took his urine sample and the test proved positive for the drugs, Anectine and Pavulon, which had not been prescribed by the doctors. All the bodies of suspected victims were tested and found positive for drugs.
Angelo confessed and said, “I had no confidence in myself. I felt very inadequate.”
He was charged for second-degree murder on multiple counts and sentenced to 61 years to life imprisonment. He is currently in the Clinton Correctional Facility in New York.

Andrew Cunanan (Killings between April 1997 and July 1997)

Andrew Phillip Cunanan, a soft-spoken intellect who had a flair for languages and discussing world affairs, was a handsome, lavish and boastful young man who associated himself only with the social elite. He earned many dubious distinctions. One was for killing the famous fashion designer, Gianni Versace, and the other is being listed by the FBI on their Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list. He was the first person from San Diego to get onto the “prestigious” list.
Modus Operandi
There was no modus operandi discovered for Cunanan. In the beginning he killed his former lovers who he felt were having an affair behind his back. The others that were killed may also have had connections with him, but nobody knows for sure. They were killed differently and with different weapons.
Cunanan was born in National City, California and was a homosexual since high school. He was known for his erratic ways. He graduated in 1987. He was also rumored to be a lover to older and wealthy gay men. His mother called him a “high-class homosexual prostitute.” However his father denied his homosexuality, calling him “an altar boy” who has a good Catholic upbringing.
It is said that in homosexual circles, once a person crosses mid-20s he is considered old. When Andrew turned 28, he was deserted by his wealthy lovers. He was left to pay off credit cards which exceeded limits, and this left him broke. He stopped taking care of his usually very trendy appearance and gained a lot of weight.
At this point another emotion reared its ugly head — jealousy. He spotted two of his young lovers seeing each other behind his back. Another thing that bothered him was the fact that both of them had reached great heights professionally while he remained stagnant.
The jealousy grew to such an extent that he eventually went to visit them, killing both of them just days apart from each other, beginning his life as a serial killer.
Killings and Sentence
One of his victims was Gianni Versace, the Italian designer. The FBI found Andrew, as he left his name signed on the pavement in front of Gianni’s house. The FBI felt that it was his way of trying to get attention, saying “Look at me. I’m the one that did this.”
He led authorities on a massive manhunt for his killings. He killed himself eight days after killing Gianni Versace. He shot himself to avoid capture.
What you have witnessed here is just a fragment of the world of savage and sadistic minds who have transformed this act of murder from a monstrous anomaly into an everyday horror. These mythic monsters capture the attention of the entire nation and end up as terrifying household names.
Looking into the psyche of a serial killer, doctors say that every individual develops positive attitude towards life and people in their early years, and this attitude is rendered negative with abuse — physical and emotional. That abuse can also come in the form of refusal to acknowledge the boundaries of an individual through excessive expectations, possessiveness, and doting, all of which are as abusive as incest or beatings.
Researchers attempting to understand how fantasies warp the serial killer’s mind say that bizarre fantasies thrive in isolation and eventually the killers feel the need to live them out. They dwell on the murder act for days before committing it, completely caught up in their fantasy. But they find that even murder never fulfills the fantasy completely, and this leads to the serial nature of their crime — always looking for satisfaction they never actually find. Many of these serial killers also keep souvenirs of their crime which helps refuel the fantasy.